Thursday, April 24, 2014

Application Benefits of PLCC Plugs

Plastic Lead Chip Carrier (PLCC) plugs are designed to create connections between the printed circuit boards and the PLCC production socket. The PLCC plug was a result of research and development in an effort to provide a cost-effective option for the Ceramic Leadless Chip Carrier (CLCC).

The plug is generally designed for surface mounting, although it can be installed in a PCB socket. The idea for the surface mounting was devised to support devices that are unable to withstand high temperatures. The surface mounting solution also allowed for easier part replacement without the need to reworking the electronic intricacies of a device. That is why PLCC plugs are generally found in PCB applications related to flash memory devices and stand-alone programming. 


Benefits of PLCC Plugs

As one can see, PLCC plugs are powerful and versatile devices. They can provide a number of benefits to printed circuit board applications. 

·   Small Size and Shape: Like other lead chip carriers, PLCC plugs are smaller in size as compared to dual-line packages. They utilize all four sides of the package, allowing for a greater pin count and stronger connections. As a result of the CLCC product evolution, PLCC plugs are designed with rectangular plastic housings. All these aspects allow for easier integration in a PCB application.

     Creation of Multiple Electric Connections: The high density of the plug as well as the large pin count allows for creation of multiple electric connections. For example, PLCC plugs can be used by a designer to create multiple connections between a motherboard and a daughterboard. The dimensions of the final PLCC plug are constructed as per the regulations laid down by JEDEC. This eliminates any undue stress on the PLCC socket.

Option of Complete Assembly: With the influx of new technologies, today, PLCC plugs can be manufactured as complete assemblies rather as a small, singular product. The plug ends are shrinking wrapped along with machined contacts to provide ruggedness and higher tolerances. 

      Miscellaneous Benefits: Apart from the above mentioned points, PLCC plugs benefits are    as follow :
  • They reduce overall material and production costs
  • The use of Surface Mounting Technology allows for faster assembly
  • They are immensely useful in applications that deal with aspects like high vibration rates
All the above mentioned points prove that PLCC plugs are anextremely beneficial product in printed circuit board applications